Welcome to the

Foundation for
Disaster Forum

Disaster Forum (DF) is a Dhaka based National Disaster Preparedness
Network of seventy humanitarian and development agencies, research
institutions, government departments and independent activists.


Our recent publications

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Women in Disaster

Disaster Report 2014, themed on women in disaster situations presents details on the sufferings and coping mechanisms of women in disaster as well as identified organizations that work on those issues in gender sensitive ways. The report portrays the hardship and casualties women face during disaster and post disaster times and addresses them adequately. This report is available in Foundation for Disaster Forum office.

Governance of hazard management

Themed on Governance of hazard management in Bangladesh, this report also includes documentation of hazards occurred in 2013. The Tazreen factory and Rana Plaza incident is also documented here. This report is available in Foundation for Disaster Forum office.

Sphere Project

To strengthen the accountability of humanitarian agencies and improve performance of humanitarian response, the Sphere project was created and later resulted in the creation of Humanitarian charter and minimum standards for disaster response. DF has translated and published three versions of the Sphere handbook. These books are available in Foundation for Disaster Forum office.


A Few Words About Us

Disaster Forum (DF) is a Dhaka based National Disaster Preparedness Network of seventy humanitarian and development agencies, research institutions, government departments and independent activists who are working on various disaster and environmental issues with special focus on preparedness. Since 1994, Forum is working for ensuring the accountability of the humanitarian and development agencies and to promote the rights of all vulnerable people.

Who we are

Activities of Disaster Forum


Disaster forum has published many reports including yearly disaster reports. Disaster reports are compilation of research reports that reflects the disaster scenario of the country in a year with supportive data and also peers into the causes and sufferings of people who live in the margins and suggests probable solutions.
Disaster Forum has published translation work of important global standards, such as Sphere standards books, INEE book on education, WATSAN manual concerning sanitation.


With a view to protect vulnerable people and help other governmental and Non Governmental organizations to facilitate their projects concerning disaster risk management, disaster risk reduction and overall disaster preparedness, climate change and adaptation, disaster forum produces training manuals and conducts training. Disaster Forum always seeks to work with local communities to build a child and women sensitive disaster preparedness programmes.


Disaster Forum has conducted many researches that include – Child rights situation analysis in Bangladesh, Empirical field study on variation of Arsenic in handpump tubewells. It also conducts project evaluations – Evaluation of Flood Response ‘98 of Action Aid, Documenting the alternative sources of drinking water. DF also publishes and disseminates situation reports and cautionary reports as part of the organizations’ study efforts. In documenting disasters and its effects, DF collects and analyzes data on key disaster occurrences every year.

14+ Years of Experience in
Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Forum has been working on disaster preparedness for more than 14 years with GOs NGOs and local level facilitators as stakeholders.

Recent Articles

Some of our recently published reports and articles.

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স্যালাইন পানি তৈরির সঠিক নিয়মাবলী না জানার কারণে ডায়রিয়া আক্রান্ত শিশুদের জীবন ঝুঁকিতে পড়ছে

প্রতিবছরই শীতের সাথে সাথে বেড়ে যায় ডায়রিয়ার প্রকোপ। বছরের অন্যান্য সময় যে ডায়রিয়া বা কলেরা…

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কক্সবাজার জেলায় রেকর্ড বৃষ্টিপাত: পাহাড় ধস এবং মাছ ধরার ট্রলার ডুবে ১১ জনের মৃত্যু

বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি চলতি বছরের ২০ আগস্ট থেকে দেশের দক্ষিণ–পূর্বাঞ্চল ও উত্তর–পূর্বাঞ্চলে বৃষ্টি ও  উজানের পাহাড়ি…

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