Source: DGHS 23 August 2023
Death toll from dengue increased to 506 this year with 13 more dengue deaths reported in the 24 hours leading up to 13 August . According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 2070 more people were hospitalized during this time, including 857 in Dhaka city (DGHS). 106429 dengue cases and 98098 recoveries have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source: DGHS 7 August 2023
Death toll from dengue increased to 313 this year with 10 more dengue deaths reported in the 24 hours leading up to 6 August . According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 2764 more people were hospitalized during this time, including 1078 in Dhaka city (DGHS). 66,732 dengue cases and 57,072 recoveries have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source- DGHS 27 July, 2023
Death toll from dengue increased to 215 this year with 14 more dengue deaths reported in the 24 hours leading up to 19 July. According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 2,653 more people were hospitalized during this time, including 1,327 in Dhaka city (DGHS). 40, 341 dengue cases and 31, 937 recoveries have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source- DGHS 20 July, 2023
Death toll from dengue increased to 146 this year with 19 more dengue deaths reported in the 24 hours leading up to 19 July. According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 1,792 more people were hospitalized during this time, including 870 in Dhaka city (DGHS). 25,792 dengue cases and 20,094 recoveries have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source- DGHS 09 May, 2023
The number of deaths from dengue has risen to 11 in 2023 till may 07. According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 34 people were hospitalized on 7 May 2023. A total 1042 dengue cases have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source- DGHS 27 December, 2022
Death toll from dengue increased to 281 this year with three more dengue deaths reported in the 24 hours leading up to 26 December. According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 62 more people were hospitalized during this time, including 35 in Dhaka city (DGHS). 62,189 dengue cases and 61,513 recoveries have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source- DGHS 3 December, 2022
According to the Directorate General of Health Services, 351 more people were hospitalized till Friday, 3 December, including 207 in Dhaka city (DGHS). 58,209 dengue cases and 56,245 recoveries have been reported by DGHS so far this year.

Source- Dhaka Tribune 15 November, 2022
This year’s fatalities from dengue climbed to 205. During this period, 760 patients were hospitalized with the viral fever, according to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). Among the latest deaths, one each was reported from Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna taking the death tolls in these three divisions to 122, 52 and 11 respectively. Meanwhile death toll remained unchanged at nine in Barisal, six in Rajshahi, and five in Mymensingh divisions. Of the new patients, 425 were admitted to different hospitals in Dhaka and 335 outside it, according to DGHS. A total of 2,989 dengue patients, including 1,767 in the capital, are now receiving treatment at hospitals across the country. The directorate has recorded 49,300 dengue cases and 46,106 recoveries so far this year. This year’s fatalities from the mosquito-borne disease reached 182 on Tuesday, exceeding all previous records in Bangladesh. Earlier, the country recorded the highest 179 deaths from dengue in a year in 2019.

দৈনিক ডেঙ্গু আপডেট
চলতি বছর ডেঙ্গুতে মৃতের সংখ্যা ২০২। শনিবার সকাল ৮টা থেকে আজ রোববার সকাল ৮টা পর্যন্ত সারা দেশে ৮৫৯ জন নতুন ডেঙ্গু রোগী হাসপাতালে ভর্তি হয়েছেন। এ নিয়ে চলতি বছর হাসপাতালে ভর্তি হয়েছেন ৪৮ হাজার ৫২৯ জন ডেঙ্গু রোগী।
তথ্যসূত্র প্রথম আলো- ১৩ নভেম্বর, ২০২২