First National River Fair

With the mission of ensuring the participation of general people and motivation of creating popular movement Disaster Forum organized the First National River Fair at Gaibandha during 13-14 April, 2010.With a popular slogan “Nodi Bachle Manush Bachbe”(“WE WILL ONLY SURVIVE IF RIVERS SURVIVE”). The objective was to create empathy for and understanding on the rights of the rivers and the role of the people as caregivers of rivers. About 33 organizations including Universities, Government institutions, and Development agencies participated in the First National River Fair”. Each of the organization represented one river of their area with various displays on river, documentaries and photographs. CDs were produced on songs devoted to rivers. The people who attended the fair were unequivocal about the urgency to protect the rivers. Subsequently they took an oath that they will never hinder the natural flow of the rivers and will honor their right to meet the sea. Printing and electronic media also came forward and highlighted the event.

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