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Sphere pocket book (Based on Sphere Handbook 2018 version)

Disaster Forum has published two pocket books based on Sphere Handbook in Bangla. The first version of the pocket book was published in? (based on Sphere Handbook 2011) and the latest version of Sphere pocket book was published in 2021 which is based on Sphere handbook 2018 version. Sphere pocket books are carriable and popular among local humanitarian workers for its compact size. The pocket book is also published in Bangla language which helps local actors to understand better the instructions and whole of Sphere standards. The books gives presents precise instructions taken from Sphere Handbook in simplified language.

Bangladesh Disaster Report “Women in Disaster” 2014 Published

Disaster Forum is going to publish Bangladesh Disaster Report 2014 both Bangla & English. The main theme of all reports of this volume is Women in the Disaster situation. In this Year Book, Forum has incorporated reports on disaster situation in 2014 and also the sufferings of women and how they react and cope in disaster. At the same time this report has tried to identify if the organizations which works to face disaster situation is gender sensitive. Those who are working on disaster for long time have talked on their desire to reach that point which they think are necessary for women and how it can be implemented. Forum have tried to understand the risks and situation of women in disaster by dialoguing with them almost same. Towards the end of the report Forum has included statistical analysis of lightning, boat accident, flood, drowning, road accident that took place during the year 2014.

Published in 2015. Price tk. 275

Bangladesh Disaster Report 2013

Bangladesh Disaster Report has been published. Main theme of this year is “governance of hazard management”. The book also documented the incidence of hazard in 2013. In this year book we also include Tazreen factory fire and Rana Plaza collapse which took more than thousand lives. We have tried to portray the struggle of our people for survival.

Published in 2015. Price tk. 250

Sphere Project (Bangla 3rd Edition)

The Sphere project was launched in 1996 in order to strengthen the accountability of humanitarian agencies and to find ways of improving performance in humanitarian response. It resulted in the publication of the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards for Disaster Response in 2000. Disaster Forum has translated and published it’s latest (3rd) edition in Bangla like the previous two editions (1st in 2003 & 2nd in 2008) with a view to make the Minimum Standards familiar to Bangla speaking field-level humanitarian workers.

Published in July 2012. Price tk. 800

Minimum Standards for Education- Preparedness, Response, Recovery (Bangla 2nd edition)

At the United Nations Millennium Summit in September 2000, world leaders adopted the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the second of which is the commitment that, by the year 2015, all boys and girls worldwide will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling, defined as the first five years of formal education. Building on the MDGs, the Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) developed minimum standards for education in emergencies; chronic crises and early reconstruction in 2003-2004. Disaster Forum has translated and published it’s latest (2nd) edition in Bangla like the previous edition (in 2007) with a view to make the Minimum Standards of Education familiar to Bangla speaking field-level humanitarian workers.

Published in May 2014. Price tk. 350

Bangladesh Disaster Report 2009-2010

Bangladesh Disaster Report has been published. Main theme of this year is “governance of hazard management”. The book also documented the incidence of hazard in 2013. In this year book we also include Tazreen factory fire and Rana Plaza collapse which took more than thousand lives. We have tried to portray the struggle of our people for survival.

Published in June 2011. Price tk. 350

Bangladesh Disaster Report 2007-2008

The report covers cyclones (Sidr, Nargis, Reshmi), flood, bird flue, earthquake, landslide, river erosion, rodent surge, baby food contamination (melamine), mass hysteria, riverine accidents, accidents caused by fire, arsenic, diarrhoea, philariasis; 2008-2015 National Plan for Disaster Management (excerpt) and includes an article on implementation of Hyogo Framework for action.

Published in June 2009. Price tk. 350

Bangladesh Disaster Report 2002

The report covers Accidents in Waterways, Bomb Violence, Food Adulteration, Brick Kiln: A Continuous Process of Pollution, Tannery and Environment of Dhaka, Sundarban: Withering Away. Beside these regular phenomenon in Bangladesh like Cold Wave, Heat Wave, Flood, , Tornado, Nor’Wester and Hailstorm, Earthquake and follow up of River Erosion, River Encroachment, Pollution, Banning of Polythene, Frontier clash, Maguchhara Mishap, Peace Treaty and present Hill Tracts, Road and other Accidents and diseases like Dengue, Arsenic etc. also incorporated in this issue.

Price Tk. 350

Bangladesh Disaster Report 2001

In this issue we tried to cover the urban disasters like Earthquake, Fire, Flood, Traffic Jam, Water Logging, Water Body Fill-up, Children in Hazardous Job, Stealing of River, Dengue, Water pollution, HIV/AIDS, Air Pollution, Diarrhoea, Solid Waste, Arsenic, Clinical Waste, Polythene, Water Crisis, Opinion of Mayor and Chairman on Urban Disasters and Activities of Govt. and NGO & Donor. Also add National Rural Development Policy 2001 and disaster took place in 2001 like River Erosion, Violence in the Frontier, Flood, Post Election Minority Repression, Tornado and Accidents.

Price tk. 250

Bangladesh Disaster report 2000

The report covers Flood, Cold Wave, Water Logging, Disease as Disaster, River Erosion, Enclaves: A confined community, River Encroachment, Life in the Camps, Environment Pollution, Accidents, Oppressed Minorities, Tornado/Nor’wester, Cyclone, Earthquake and National Health Policy 2000 and People Charter for Health from People’s Health Assembly.

Price tk. 250

Bangladesh Disaster Report 1999

The report covers Rainless 132 Days, Nor’Wester, Tornado, River Erosion, Water Logging, Flood, River Encroachment, Cyclone, Earthquake, Beleaguered Environment, Hybrid the Menace, Two years of the Peace Treaty, Indigenous People and Minorities, Arsenic, Accident, Disease Disaster, Rohingas and National Policy for Safe Water Supply and Sanitation, 1999

Price tk. 250

Bangladesh Disaster Report 1998

The report covers Flood, River Erosion, Water Logging, Unsteady Weather, Cyclone, Accident, Arsenic, Human Made Disaster, Epidemics, Ethnic conflict, Trauma. Also incorporate National Water policy.

Price tk. 250

Bangladesh Disaster Report 1997

The report covers in 12 subjects those are: Flood, Cyclone, River Erosion, Drought, Water Logging, Earthquake, Tornado, Cold Wave, Arsenic, Epidemics, Accident and Ethnic conflict. It also contains CHT Peace Agreement and The Ganges Water Treaty Agreement.

Price tk. 250


A Guideline to Mass Casualty Management (Published in April 2007)

Translated into Bangla.

Price tk. 250

Arsenic Crisis: In Search of Safe Water Options

This booklet describes various alternative safe water options. This booklet is helpful for resolving arsenic problem.

Price tk. 30

Training Manual

Training Manual for Participatory Vulnerability Analysis

Family planning in Emergencies

Guidelines to managing water supply and sanitation during emergencies

In most of the cases during emergencies, safe drinking water supply and sanitation system gets gets disrupted. This manual provides instructions on how to manage water supply and healthy sanitation system in emergencies.

Cold Wave: what to do to save lives and livelihoods

Every year many people in the country falls victim to cold waves. Particularly children and old people are more vulnerable to cold waves. Cold waves also causes harm to farming and fisheries systems resulting on loss of livelihood of many people. This manual describes what measures to take beforehand to prevent the negative affect of cold wave and provides instruction on how to take proper care of children and elderly amid cold wave.


Emergency health message

Thousands of lives are lost due to disasters every year in Bangladesh. The rate of dead is higher among children in disaster situations because of widespread diarrhoea, cholera among them. To prevent these diseases among children, Disaster Forum introduced flyers containing instructions on preparing easy to make foods for children that can prevent diseases in children, particularly in emergency situations.

Linking Disaster Reduction and Development


Sticker with the message that appropriate precautions can lower damages by earthquake

The sticker contains messages on what precautionary measures to take to minimize loss in earthquake.

Sticker with the message about National River Fair 1418 BAD

River system plays and important role in the natural environment of the country. It also plays an crucial role in the livelihoods of millions of people. But for a long time due to lawlessness, lack of consciousness and unplanned development, the river system of our country is being disrupted and many rivers has gone extinct. To safeguard this river system, Disaster Forum advocates by arranging river fair to raise awareness among general public and create a public perception of the importance of our river system in our lives.

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