Our Activities
Situation Report
Cyclone Fani/Foni is moving: Be alert but not to be panicked
Download the report file by clicking the following button. 2nd-MayDownload
Cyclone Fani/Foni is intensifying
Download the report file by clicking the following button. 30-April-convertedDownload
Highest Temperatures recorded at Rajshahi
Heat Wave Continues while a low atmospheric pressure has developed in SouthBay Of Bengal Download the report file by clicking the following button. 3.-Update-report-convertedDownload
Heat wave Continues with the risk of diarrhoea in Bangladesh
Heat Wave Continues while a low atmospheric pressure has developed in SouthBay Of Bengal Download the report file by clicking the following button. 2.-follow-up-report-convertedDownload
Heat Wave Continues while a low atmospheric pressure has developed in South Bay Of Bengal
Heat Wave Continues while a low atmospheric pressure has developed in SouthBay Of Bengal Download the report file by clicking the following button. 1.-Situation-Report-_Heat-Wave-2019Download
Mild cold wave hit after Friday midnight Died five people
Download the report file by clicking the following button. Situation-Report-2-Janyary-23-2016Download
6.7 Manipur quake shakes Bangladesh
Download the report file by clicking the following button. Situation-Report-1-Janyary-4-2016Download
Follow Up on Diarrhoea situation in Gaibandha
Download the report file by clicking the following button. Situation-Report-15-Sep-15-2015Download
Sudden stroke of diarrhoea hits Gaibandha
Download the report file by clicking the following button. Situation-Report-14-Sep-12-2015Download