This training course aims to well aware and update the knowledge skills and attitude of the humanitarian activist on basic humanitarian principals and standards.
- The course create a pool of practitioners in promoting and implementing approaches for enhanced Quality and Accountability through Sphere and HAP as a tool in humanitarian responses by sharing, learning and practicing.
- The training focuses on strengthening facilitation knowledge and skills in basic humanitarian principles, Red Cross code of conduct, HAP and Sphere standards & the issue of INEE and Good Enough Guide also covered.
4 Days
- Humanitarian standards (Sphere project, Hap and INEE, Good enough guide)
- What is Sphere, History of Sphere and why is it important?
- How does the Sphere handbook work, and why use it?
- Main messages of the Humanitarian Charter
- Fundamental human rights concepts
- Cross cutting issues
- Protection Principles
- Use of Protection Principles
- Sphere Technical Chapter
- INEE minimum Standards/what is INEE ?
- Education in emergencies
- Why INEE in Emergencies
- Humanitarian Accountability Partnership – International
- Humanitarian Accountability
- Humanitarian Quality Management
- The HAP Standard in Humanitarian Accountability and Quality Management
- HAP Certification
- HAP and the Quality and Accountability Initiatives
- Why and How to use Good Enough Guide
- Core Humanitarian Standards
- Use of Humanitarian standards in disaster preparedness, response and recovery
- Use of Humanitarian standards in monitoring and evaluation
- Code of Conduct